Embracing Slow Creativity
creativity, slow creativity, Growing Creativity Pen of the Beloved creativity, slow creativity, Growing Creativity Pen of the Beloved

Embracing Slow Creativity

Slow creativity, the practice of creating with intention and purpose is slow. It’s quiet and sometimes, possibly boring. For me, it looks like consuming less and choosing silence. It is paying attention to sunrises and sunsets, favorite albums, and favorite poems that exist not always as influence and inspiration, but as enjoyment. Creativity isn’t always doing, many times it’s just being. Choosing to create at a slower pace and even in a more private way allows me to know that my gifts are not commodities. This way of living teaches me to treat creativity like the gift and expression from God that it is.

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Creativity in Isolation

Creativity in Isolation

During this time of social distancing and self-isolating, I am increasingly aware of my habits; what I gravitate to out of boredom and what I find myself trying to do, but lacking the discipline to implement. Time seems to have expanded and in all of this extra space lies all of the promises of making choices and seeing the fruit of those choices.

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