How to Push Past Creative Blocks


Creativity is heavily nuanced. How we create, when we create, and why create are intricately connected to ourselves, our beliefs, our stories. The mediums we use, the skill we have that allows creativity to be expressed in that unique way each of us possesses and holds within ourselves, is layered in details we unravel as life goes on.To say that I know the ins and outs of this thing called creativity is a bold statement to make. In complete honesty, I am learning and growing in intimacy with creativity. Learning how it works for me and I for it. I am consistently learning how creativity fits to me, and in what ways I can honor creativity the way God intended for humanity.

Press in Beyond the Uncomfortability 

The act of creating this past year has been a push and pull kind of relationship. The desire to create is present within me every  morning I get up to start my day. I feel it just beneath the surface of my skin and I know it's just present. However, sometimes lingering just beneath the surface, lies an anxious sort of feeling. A feeling that what I'm creating needs more time, or a feeling that I need more time because I need to be better, stronger, more healed, and whole to create for this particular day.In my moments of self-assessing, self-awareness, and sometimes a pure state of frozenness, I go over every detail as to why whatever I'm working on needs to wait, why at this moment I can't create.This uncomfortableness that tries to lodge itself in the space between my lungs makes breathing feel short and stifled. I remind myself to take deep breaths, to remember God is with me, He is within me. Many days I find myself trying to convince myself out of  an uncomfortable stupor. I try to force myself into a state of creation. Yet, what I'm learning in the middle of this, is that no matter how uncomfortable I feel I can assess how I feel, decipher what is true, what is not and root myself in the foundation of Truth.Creativity is like a river, its currents are strong, yet sometimes rocks and boulders can rise up and cause the flow to shift or change. As one who navigates the river, I can either hit the rocks head-on, just taking them as I go, or I can be strategic, assess the situation, and move based on the need. I can shift the boat steering in grace and wisdom. Riding over and through the waves.The boulders do not always serve as hindrances, but can serve as reminders as well. When I feel that I cannot write or that the words just won't come--this is a great moment for me to slow down. Creating without rest, without pause to remember the why of what I'm doing can actually be more stifling to my creativity than it can be helpful.The next time you feel blocked, anxious, or uncomfortable, start with a few questions:

  • Why do I feel feel this way (i.e nervous, blocked)?
  • Why does this project matter to me, what is its purpose?
  • How do I need to rest my mind and spirit today or right now so that I can show up better than before?

Slow Down

Slowing down takes our minds off of the lack of inspiration, motivation, and creativity. When you slow down, you remember that you are not a creativity machine consistently pushing out ideas, but you are a person in love with creativity and that the work you do matters and has the capacity to make a difference in small ways or very large ones. It changes you and it can change someone else positively.Creativity has layers and our human vessels carry it within ourselves. Take care of you, don't forget the joy with which you started this creative journey.If you need motivation on how to take some time to slow down and rest, check out my previous posts on Growing Creativity,  where I have a page for all posts pertaining to this very thing.

5 Ways to Make Time for Silence: The Prerequisite to Creativity

The Spontaneous Creative Process

Remembering the Why: Capturing the Joy for Creativity

Stay creative, Beloveds and remember to give yourself grace in the most difficult of moments. Creative blocks, although painstakingly annoying, can serve our creative hearts purpose and actually do some good. 

Sincerely, a person learning creativity,


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 *Featured Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash


Centerpiece | A Poem (Copy)


A Converging of Day |A Poem