4 Ways to Stay Creative | Semi-Quarantine Edition

red petaled flower painting

originally written and published April 2020

Hola Beloveds,It's maybe week four or five for quarantine for me. I'm not sure what week it could be for other people right now. I know many have lost count.When we're spending all this time at home, it can be SO easy to spend so much of your time eating junk food and watching Netflix for hours at a time. Time begins to ebb and the days bleed together and it's can be kinda meh.In order for me to keep some sort of routine I've been trying to keep routine, eat somewhat healthier beyond Korean ramen and butter pecan ice cream, and I've tried to create practical rhythms of creativity. Sometimes it's so hard and I so don't feel like doing anything. However, I realize the habits I create now are habits that will be hard to break once life outside begins again.

Quarantine Tips for Creativity

So I've made a little list of how to stay creative during this time of staying home.

  1. Pick up writing | Writing is simple. Pen and paper  and some thinking. You don't have to write the next great American (or insert your country here) Novel, but writing your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic. If journaling isn't your jam try fun little prompts that can be 100 words or a poem. Pinterest is great for finding fun prompts to do.

  2. Doodle and Paint | Another therapeutic form of creativity can be drawing or painting. On your next Walmart run you can pick up 50 cent bottle of Acrylic paint and a some canvas paper and begin creating that way. Just moving your hands to do something can release pent up tension and anxiety. It doesn't have to be amazing, but it will be yours!

  3. Bake Something | I LOVE baking. Trying new recipes can be fun and challenging and some recipes call for things you already have in your pantry. You'll be amazed at what you can do with flour, sugar, butter, eggs. Pinterest and allrecipes.com are my go to's for quick recipes. You can even bake and share with friends or neighbors, with the exchange happening 6 ft apart. :)

  4. Take Walks | This may not seem all that creative, but sunlight does wonders for the human body. Outside air does amazing things for the human body. Just because we can't go places, doesn't mean we have to stay inside 24 hours of the day every day. Although there have been some days I haven't even opened my front door or a window, when I do take walks I feel invigorated and much better than before I'd stepped out.

 This time can be scary. The loss of life and the loss of normalcy can stifling to any sense of what life was before this. I in no way mean to undermine anyone's suffering or pain during this time because these last few weeks has looked different for everyone. I hope this post can be bring you a sense of hope and peace. May we still look for the wonder of life even in the pain because it does exist.Sincerely,  a girl with hope,Antavia~ Follow me on Instagram @penofthebeloved for creative tips, poetry, and general Antavia-like things.~Join the Beloved community on Youtube for more videos on creativity and faith.~If you like poetry, check out my debut poetry book For Wonder in the Wilderness. Purchases can be made on Amazon. The Kindle book is $4.99 and the paperback is $10.99.

*Featured Photo by Victoria Bilsborough on Unsplash


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