A Goodness That Lasts | Prose


All that is good in this world seems to fit into the palms of hands. Light in all of its encapsulating glory appears to be looming and insignificant simultaneously, for we cannot catch the light, secure it between beseeching hands, and keep it hidden to ourselves. 

The world is a tilting sphere on an axis hovering on grace upon grace. Sometimes we take for granted this gift, this overwhelming essence, which stems from the kind of Goodness that lasts. This world needs the kind of Goodness which lasts and stretches, a kind that can wrap its being to cover the roundness of an earth that has forgotten. Forgotten that beauty isn’t so rare, and love, although difficult, isn’t so hard to muster within the caverns of hearts. 

All that is good in the world seems to fit into the palms of His hands. Palms that carry and hold--hands that know how to intertwine peace into the fabric of reality, casting light on all the things we tossed into darkness. 

Sometimes the dark seems looming and significant simultaneously. Yet, with time, we can learn to catch the light, secure it in our hands, fashion from its being starlight, tossing inklings of what we’ve made into a darkness that once seemed so vast and so large because somehow we know to be true; that light triumphs over darkness every single time.

sincerely, a woman seeking goodness.

~ Antavia Mason, Pen of the Beloved

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