Seeking Creativity in New Seasons of Growth

Seeking Creativity in New Seasons of Growth

You have heard me say or at least read my favorite line which is, “every human being is born with a measure of creativity, we just have to learn to cultivate it.”

Recently, I began thinking deeply about Pen of the Beloved and the story I want to be conveyed through this work of sharing about creativity and encouraging you to be the creative self God created you to be. So far this journey has led me toward wholeness and poems, I couldn’t have fathomed. In the process I rediscovered a love for grant writing and non-profit work that I wasn’t sure I’d enter again once the pandemic edged me out of my previous job.

The last two years has served as a launching pad for PofB. The blog that started reaching small corners of the earth, is now a consulting service for those looking to grow creatively and for nonprofits seeking to expand their grant-seeking journey. Personally, I am being propelled to grow into a person that is consistently learning better ways to manage time, create new opportunities for others and myself, and fashion creativity out of mundane moments that lend to living a more full life.

Seeking Newness

Newness is most often predicated on exciting and unexpected moments. What we don’t pay attention to, is how new things-opportunities, jobs, and perspectives come out of growth and placing ourselves in situations that move us to do something different. In listening to a sermon recently on convenience and how crippling it can be, I was challenged to see how I’ve made convenience a mode of existence versus stepping into what God has for me and Pen of the Beloved. There are moments where I felt posting poetry was enough, that poems were enough to fulfill God’s will for my life. What I discovered is that posting poetry is easy, but creating community is harder. It is indeed the more beautiful thing, but I am always faced with the question of “who am I to do this kind of work?” Pushing past this kind of question leaves me at times, willing to seek convenience than seeking out the perfect plan of Abba for my life and for this work I know He’s called me to.

Choosing Creative Endeavors Over Convenience

Finding creativity in this new season has looked like trying new things and starting routines that require more of me. It is waking up earlier, eating healthier, and sticking to a schedule no matter how much I tell myself that spontaneity is better. To be honest, spontaneity is fun, but maybe not for the kind of discipline building I’m working towards. Creativity at this moment looks like applying for graduate school and applying myself more at work and believing in myself in new ways. It isn’t always writing poems and stories.

God knows it isn’t easy, but if it were would it be worth trying?

Stay Creative, Beloveds!

~Antavia Mason


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