Creativity in Isolation


croissant-fSuVFIDJwX4-unsplashHola Beloveds,The last few weeks have been interesting, to say the least. A great number of Americans are working from home because to congregate in groups larger than 10 could be placing themselves or someone else at risk of sickness.In lieu of all of the mandated shelter-in-place orders from mayors and governors all over the US, life, as we were used to,  even two weeks ago, has altered. For myself, I am now working from home and spend all of my hours in the day, except for maybe 20 minutes inside working, spending time with my roommates, and creating.During this time of social distancing and self-isolating, I am increasingly aware of my habits; what I gravitate to out of boredom and what I find myself trying to do, but lacking the discipline to implement. Time seems to have expanded and in all of this extra space lies all of the promises of making choices and seeing the fruit of those choices.This time I now have, in the midst of so much loss, so much pain, and sickness, is giving me and I'm sure other creatives and other thinkers, and believers, space to recalculate. Space to reevaluate what is working, the shape of our hearts, and the state of our souls.

How is Your Soul?

Humans are beautifully intricate beings. We need moments of quiet where solitude isn't deafening or frightening but welcoming. As a creative soul, as someone who endeavors to seek God and love and truth not only through the Word of God but through Creativity; I find this time refreshing and full of learning to rest. Resting in the fullness of who Abba God is, delving into deeper depths with Sweet Holy Spirit, and unraveling the mystery of Jesus is all within reach. It all has always been in reach, however, when it seems like all I have is time--how I spend it now speaks volumes to me.With this time, my hope and desire are to know God more deeply and learning to create from the foundation of knowing God and being known by Him.I know self-isolation and creativity looks different for each person. However, my prayer for you is to be able to look at creativity with Jesus and see what He sees. May you see and experience all that He intended creativity to look like in your beautifully intricate life. Although the beauty may be difficult to see, somewhere beneath the surface lies all that God has for you and me.This time can seem scary and unpredictable. The one thing that remains constant even in the midst of trying times is the Personhood of Jesus, the Sovereignty of our Father, and the Comfort of Holy Spirit.May we choose to engage ever more deeply with God during the isolation and during the social distancing. Because when all of this over, what will we say about the time we spent in our homes away from the world? How will we be better on the other side of this?Sincerely, a beloved creator, Antavia6937d0f7-7522-4d2d-9503-7f4b028a5d3b

Copy of Copy of 25 Days of Creativity Dec. 1st-25th (1)~ Follow me on Instagram @penofthebeloved for creative tips, poetry, and general Antavia-like things.~Join the Beloved community on Youtube for more videos on creativity and faith. you like poetry, check out my debut poetry book For Wonder in the Wilderness. Purchases can be made on Amazon. The Kindle book is $4.99 and the paperback is $10.99.img_5880 Photo by Croissant on Unsplash*Featured Photo by Croissant on Unsplash


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